Visit UK for a holiday or to see family or friends, on a business trip, to do research, for private medical treatment, as a Parent of a Tier 4 child visa or to pass through the UK in transit.
Short-term study visa, General student visa (Tier 4), Child student visa (Tier 4)
Tier 1 visas; Investor, Innovator, Start-up, Entrepreneur, Talent, Graduate Entrepreneur visas
Tier 2 (long term work visa); General worker, Intra-company transfer, Minister of Religion and Sportsperson visas
Tier 5 (Short term work visas); Charity worker, Creative and Sporting, Government Exchange and Religious Worker visas
United Kingdom
Visit or Tourism
Visit UK for a holiday or to see family or friends, on a business trip, to do research, for private medical treatment, as a Parent of a Tier 4 child visa or to pass through the UK in transit.
Short-term study visa, General student visa (Tier 4), Child student visa (Tier 4)
Tier 1 visas; Investor, Innovator, Start-up, Entrepreneur, Talent, Graduate Entrepreneur visas
Tier 2 (long term work visa); General worker, Intra-company transfer, Minister of Religion and Sportsperson visas
Tier 5 (Short term work visas); Charity worker, Creative and Sporting, Government Exchange and Religious Worker visas
Join partner or family
Spouse settlement visas