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Endorsed Learning Programmes

ELP are perfect for tailoring your own products to certain markets and sectors. Your organisation can utilize our recognition. Offering training under our Endorsed Programmes service shows your learners that leading organisations in education are giving your training their support. The availability of such ELP gives learners confidence that the programmes are developed around best practice and they are Working towards globally recognized standards. Our Endorsed Programmes service allows you to gain endorsement from a Globally Accredited Organisation, providing reassurance that your programme(s) are of a high standard. The ELP is not a regulated qualification, however your organisation owns the training programme and it remains unique to your organisation. We are happy for you to market them by referring to endorsement.

Endorsed Learning Programmes

ELP are perfect for tailoring your own products to certain markets and sectors. Your organisation can utilize our recognition. Offering training under our Endorsed Programmes service shows your learners that leading organisations in education are giving your training their support. The availability of such ELP gives learners confidence that the programmes are developed around best practice and they are Working towards globally recognized standards. Our Endorsed Programmes service allows you to gain endorsement from a Globally Accredited Organisation, providing reassurance that your programme(s) are of a high standard. The ELP is not a regulated qualification, however your organisation owns the training programme and it remains unique to your organisation. We are happy for you to market them by referring to endorsement.
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